As most of us Star Wars fans know, Darth Vader was originally played by David Prowse, even though his voice was being conveyed by James Earl Jones. And do you know what? It's a good job too. If George Lucas never came up with this idea, what else could we have expected to hear! Something like this, perhaps? May the horse be with jew!
Schwarzenegger as Darth Vader
Arnie once stated to a reporter that he thought the
Terminator sequels were a lot worse than the Star Wars prequels. 'But at least
George might be able to rectify his mistakes', he said, 'Whereas damage
limitation on the Terminators are reaching critical-mass'.
Rab C Nesbitt as Darth Vader
With all due respect, I'd say some Scottish people are very
difficult to understand, especially when their pissed out of their heads. So,
what do you think would happen if said pissed-Scottish person had his own show
on BBC 2, and decided to don a certain darkly hued cape and helmet? Och Ei Mi
Dark Side!!!
Samuel L Jackson as Darth Vader
Samuel Lego Jackson (Yes. His middle name is Lego) was offered the role of Jedi second-in-command, Mace Windu, after he said on public radio how he'd love to star in a
Star Wars film. Gosh! Talk about ask, and thee shall receive!
Kenneth Williams as Darth Vader
Now here's a piece of useless trivia for you! Did you know
that Mister Darth Vader himself, David Prowse, starred opposite Kenneth
Williams in 'Carry on Henry VIII', as well as Kenneth's very own seventies television show?
Well, every bad-boy needs to take it up the Khyber every now and then, eh?
Bane as Darth Vader
Unlike Darth's funky sounding voice, Bane's bloody annoying voice
was originally going to be much more distorted in 'The Dark Knight Rises'. And, for fairly obvious reasons, his lines had to be re-recorded
for the final cut, because it was nigh-on impossible to understand what he was trying
to say.
R Lee Ermey as Darth Vader
Stanley Kubrick initially hired R Lee Ermey so he could
advise him on how a drill sergeant should act in his war-time drama, 'Full
Metal Jacket'. However, when Stanley
started to see Lee in action, he said to himself, 'f*ck this for a game of soldiers', and the rest is
now cinematic history.
James Earl Jones as Darth Vader
James started taking acting lessons so he could control his timorous
stutter. This problem started when he was a small child, and he struggled with
it through college, through the military, until he and his folks cottoned on to
the idea that acting was the key to curbing his resolve.
And on that note, dear reader, I'd like to leave you on one
last video, depicting how George and the gang chose Earl to become the voice
of Darth Vader. Please enjoy.
Reviewed by David Andrews
August 27, 2015