To QUOTE Willy Shakespeare: 'As flies to wanton boys, are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport'.
OK. So what do we
get when reading this third part of the Darkseid War? Do we get: (A) A
great scene where we see Batman sitting in
Merton's google chair playing Mister Smug God? Yes. Yes we do. Plus on top of that, we also get: (B) Another great scene
where Superman and Lex Luthor piss each other off whilst fighting a hoard of Apokoliptian
parademons. Then, just to make matters sweeter still, we next get: (C) Even more great scenes were Darkseids
minions mumble under their breaths, hither and fro, like a swarm of Edwardian serial-killers! All this, complimented with amazing artwork
provided by Jason Fabok (he is a God!!!), with an additional flim-flam story-line that's basically a set-up
for next issues shenanigans.
Yeah. That's right,
dear reader. To paraphrase Forest Gump (why not?), part three is what part
three does. Sets-up! Teases us with a number of obligatory sections of dialogue!
Then tells us to sit tight just as soon as the two main villains get ready to
kick each other in the nuts, Ka-Pow!
Now don't get me
wrong. I'm not trying to imply that I didn't like reading this book. As a matter a fact I liked it so much I'm actually trying to figure out what'll happen next! I mean, without giving too much away, will Bat-God and Non-Hippy-Hal be able to do
whatever it is they need to do (no spoilers here, folks) just in time to zip
back and save everyone next month? And if they can do that, how will the rest of the
League fair in the meantime? What with Diana's crew stuck in between the devil
and the deep blue sea (hypothetically speaking), whilst Superman and Lex stumble
onto a solution, which may not be a real solution. What's more, what side will the
League take in the battle between Darkseid and the Anti-Monitor? (My money is
on Darkseid, because his names in the sub-title). Plus who do you think will win out
of these two menacing opponents (Anti-Monitor should be odds on favorite).
But wait up. Before
I get too carried away asking myself all these questions, I have to ask myself one more.
Did I like this issue? Yes or no?
Well, yes, with a 'but'.
As much as I loved Jason's amazing artwork (Amen!), the whole idea that Batman is now a temporary God (check please), and that Lex and Superman have to play nice with each other, or all else fails (Ouch!), at the end of the day, this story is nothing more than a, surprise-surprise, penultimate chapter that titivated me more than informed me. And for that, well, yes, it is a good issue. Far better than I was initially expecting story-wise.
Well, yes, with a 'but'.
As much as I loved Jason's amazing artwork (Amen!), the whole idea that Batman is now a temporary God (check please), and that Lex and Superman have to play nice with each other, or all else fails (Ouch!), at the end of the day, this story is nothing more than a, surprise-surprise, penultimate chapter that titivated me more than informed me. And for that, well, yes, it is a good issue. Far better than I was initially expecting story-wise.
Now what do you normally hear at the start of a boxing
match? Yes. I know you hear commentators talking about stats and whatnot. But
I'm not talking about that. Musically I mean. What do you musically hear at the
start of a boxing match? Something like this perhaps? The theme tune to Rocky
4. Ding-Ding! Darkseid Verses The Anti-Monitor lies ahead. Haaaaiiiiiii!
Love you James Brown.
As previously implied, there were a lot of Gods wanting to
wage war against each other in this adventure. Or to be more specific about it, they are, Gods Of War, as in the video game I have to watch my Godson play all the friking
I suppose I'm not
really giving anything away when I say that at the end of this issue Darkseid
finally comes face to face with the Anti-Monitor. So, just for fun -- I think
-- let's see if you can guess what they do when they finally meet. Because do you
think they...
- Compare who has the greyer complexion.
- Play a game of golf.
- Kiss each other on the elbow.
- Blast each other to bits.
- Sing the duet, 'Don't go breaking my
heart', as sung by Elton John and Kiki Dee.
- Shag.
- Try to figure out who will win in the up
and coming Superman Verses Batman movie.
- Star in 50000 shades of Grey.
Nuff said.
Reviewed by David Andrews
September 08, 2015