Quite sometime ago I cobbled together a nifty article which listed celebrities who've committed a crime and been behind bars. Now, it's back. Bigger, and badder than ever before. And for your viewing pleasure, ready to poke fun at the next wave of celebs that, tut-tut-tut, did something terribly-terribly wrong in the name of truth, justice, and all of that cr*p.
Elvis Presley
Crime: Shagging A Lot
Sentence: Not Giving Me Any
David Bowie
Crime: Coming From Mars
Sentence: Staying On Earth
Mick Jagger
Crime: Having Big Lips
Sentence: Having A Small Cock
Justin Bieber
Crime: Breathing In Oxygen
Sentence: Breating Out Oxygen
Tim Allen
Crime: Making Stupid Grunting Noises
Sentence: More than One Word
Fifty Cents
Crime: Short Changing A Dollar
Sentence: Unable To Count Higher Than His Name
Bill Gates
Crime: Being Stinking Rich
Sentence: Wearing Cheep Glasses
The Artist Formerly Known As Whatever
Crime: Pretending To Be Pretentious
Sentence: Sleeping On A Midget
Christian Slater
Crime: Impersonating Jack Nicholson
Sentence: Looking Constipated
Robert Downey Junior
Crime: Iron Man 2
Sentence: Staying Sober And Watching It
Snoop Dogg
Crime: Bad Grammer
Sentence: Pizzle-Dizzle, Up The Gizzle-Bizzle
Lindsay Lohan
Crime: Concealing A Vigina
Sentence: Trying To Act
Will Smith
Crime: Having a Mustache
Sentence: Having a Mustache
Charlie Sheen
Crime: Touching Small Animals
Sentence: Looking Like A Pedo
Now if you thought that was fun to read, let me tell you, that was really fun to write as well. So please, stay tuned and see what I have in store for you next, in my ever so lovely cover art corner.
Reviewed by David Andrews
December 30, 2015