According to a recent study conducted by the BBC, gambling has significantly increased during lockdown because of three notable factors. Firstly, trying to recoup lost wages can help some people provide for their families and alleviate any financial tension. Secondly, the simple act of placing a bet can temporarily reduce boredom and stimulate the senses. And thirdly, playing one of those free spin games can sometimes break up the day and stop people from watching too much television.
Well, did you know that the nation's viewing habits have also significantly changed? Not only because we’re all now watching a lot more dramas, soap operas, films, sitcoms, and documentaries, but in addition to this, we’re also streaming our favorite shows on our mobile phones, on our laptop computers, and on our portable tablets, whenever and wherever we want. Seriously, we can be sitting on the toilet and still enjoy an episode of Breaking Bad while, coff-coff, 'breaking bad'. Keeping in mind that Breaking Bad is currently one of the most binge-worthy shows to watch, despite it ending nearly seven years ago. Want to know more? Then please check out the following information for more details.
In closing, I would like to thank for allowing me to disclose their findings in this article, before wishing you all a more productive and positive day.
Well, did you know that the nation's viewing habits have also significantly changed? Not only because we’re all now watching a lot more dramas, soap operas, films, sitcoms, and documentaries, but in addition to this, we’re also streaming our favorite shows on our mobile phones, on our laptop computers, and on our portable tablets, whenever and wherever we want. Seriously, we can be sitting on the toilet and still enjoy an episode of Breaking Bad while, coff-coff, 'breaking bad'. Keeping in mind that Breaking Bad is currently one of the most binge-worthy shows to watch, despite it ending nearly seven years ago. Want to know more? Then please check out the following information for more details.
Watching TV with a Partner: From those people who were surveyed, 39% said they would rather watch TV on their own, 33% would consider re-watching a show with their partner and pretend they hadn’t seen it before, 28% said they've had an argument with their partner about not watching the same show together, 24% admitted to watching a show without their partner just to annoy them after an argument, and finally, 21% have fallen out with their partner over choosing something to watch.
Episodes and Binge-watching: On average, people aged between 16 to 24 have been watching 4 episodes at every single sitting, whereas those of us aged between 25 to 34 have spent just under 2 hours watching streamed content each day. Unlike people aged over 55, who could only manage 1 episode at a time and would consider 3 back to back episodes a bit too much.
Lockdown Viewing Habits: As I've mentioned before, there's a good chance that many of us have been watching a bit more TV than usual, especially when you take into consideration that the average person has watched 3 series since lockdown began, over half of the UK has increased the amount of TV/films they stream, and 52% have revisited an old favorite series from yesteryear.
Reviewed by David Andrews
July 16, 2020
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