

Atlas - CoverLast week, our mates over at TidalWave Comics decided to spy on a heroic God from Mount Olympus! No. Wait a minute! That wasn't our mates over at TidalWave Comics! But rather, a very shady character that's featured in the following comic book. It's called 'Atlas', and it was written by Dan Rafter, illustrated by Erik Thompson, and continues from where the previous episode left off. Please enjoy.

Atlas - 7

Atlas - 8

Atlas - 9

Atlas - 10

Atlas - 11

To see what happens next, please feel free to check out the official TidalWave Comics Website, Facebook, and Twitter pages. Or better yet, why not pick up a copy of 'Atlas' via Amazon!

ATLAS (PART TWO) - A FIVE PAGE PREVIEW ATLAS (PART TWO) - A FIVE PAGE PREVIEW Reviewed by David Andrews on February 19, 2021 Rating: 5

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