

Ice WarriorsNow I'm sure you'll agree with me when I say that we all love a good monster, correct? Well, Stefano Cardoselli and Tzvi Lebetkin certainly do, and starting this week is their saga of the Ice Warriors, the lumbering giants who stomped their way through much of the 1960s and 70s Doctor Who television series, originally created by Brian Hayles. So come on, let's get inside these beasties heads and take a look at society, while at the same time homaging the Daleks strips from exactly the same era.

Ice Warriors

The Imperium

If you want to check out any more work by Tzvi and his gang, please don't hesitate to pop on over to his official website, biblicalcomix.com. And while you're at it, click here for his tapastic mobile app.

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THE ICE WARRIORS (1:8) - A LOWLY TRAITOR THE ICE WARRIORS (1:8) - A LOWLY TRAITOR Reviewed by David Andrews on October 07, 2016 Rating: 5

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